Phyag bris gces btus (dpe cha)

110. rNgog chos skor phyogs bsgrigs. 10 vols. (dpe cha) and 1 vol. dkar chag (book format). Krung go’i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang, 2007. ISBN 978-7-80057-847-2. Facsimile edition of the original manuscripts.

Vol. 1: Writings of rNgog Chos sku rdo rje and rNgog Zhe snang rdo rje

Vol. 2: Writings of rNgog Zhe snang rdo rje

Vol. 3: Writings of rNgog Zhe snang rdo rje and rGyal tsha thogs med grags pa

Vol. 4: Writings of rNgog rGyal tsha thogs med grags pa, sNgags ’chang paGrags pa rin chen, rNgog pa bSod nams don grub and Tshe’u ban de

Vol. 5: Writings of Tshe’u ban de and rNgog Slob dpon Chos kyi rgyal mtshan

Vol. 6: Writings of mGar ston bKra shis dbang phyug and rTsags Dar ma rgyal po

Vol. 7: Writings of Tsags Dar ma rgyal po, sNgo tsha chos sku and Tre bo rDo rje mgon po

Vol. 8: Writings of Tre bo rDo rje mgon po and others.

Vol. 9: Writings of dGe slong dBang phyug rin chen and Cher ston bSod nams bzang po

Vol. 10: Writings of Khams pa Ro mnyam rdo rje

Price: € 150,- 


1117. Dus ’khor ’grel mchan phyogs bsgrigs. 7 vols. (dpe cha) and 1 vol. dkar chag (book format). Krung go’i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang, 2007. ISBN 978-7-80057-848-9. Facsimile edition of the original manuscripts.

Vol. 11: Writings by Kun spangs thugs rje brtson ’grus (1243–1313) and Dol po Shes rab rgyal mtshan (1292–1361)

Vols. 1213: Writings of Bu ston Rin chen grub (1290–1364)

Vosl. 1415: Writings of Jo nang Phyogs las rnam rgyal (1306–1386)

Vosl. 1617: Writings of Dol po Shes rab rgyal mtshan (1292–1361) 

Price: € 110,-


1845. Bu ston rin chen grub kyi gsung 'bum. 28 vols. (dpe cha). Krung go‘i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang, 2008. ISBN 978-7-80253-014-0. Facsimile edition of the original manuscripts.  Collected Works of Bu ston Rin chen grub (1290-–364), including the writings of his disciple sGra tshad pa Rin chen rnam rgyal (1318-–388) in two volumes (vols. 44-45). 

Price: € 450,-


4655. rJe btsun tā ra nā tha’i gsung 'bum bris ma. 10 vols. (dpe cha). Krung go’i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang, 2008. ISBN 978-7-80057-981-3. Facsimile edition of the original manuscripts. Price: € 150,-


5659. Bo dong phyogs las rnam rgyal gsung 'bum gsar rnyed, 4 vols. (dpe cha) and 1 vol. dkar chag (book format). Krung go’i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang, 2009. ISBN 978-7-80253-1956. Facsimile edition of the original manuscripts. 

Price: € 60,-

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